Our centers give you a strategic edge

Our centers and institutes have a powerful impact on legal scholarship, policy, and practice, while offering students the skills and confidence to excel in their careers. Through fellowships, symposia, and opportunities to do deep research on critical topics, the centers and institutes at Brooklyn Law School provide unparalleled experiences and access to the best minds in myriad fields of the law and policy.
Centers & Institutes
Dive deep into critical issues
Brooklyn Law School’s Center for Urban Business Entrepreneurship.
Business Law & Regulation
Uniting our existing diverse business and commercial law programs.
International Business Law
Study and shape international business law and policy.
Criminal Justice
At the center of critical conversations in the criminal justice system.
Health, Science & Public Policy
Working with New York City’s world-class science and healthcare communities.
Law, Language & Cognition
Devoted to exploring how developments in the cognitive sciences impact the law.
Public Service Law Center
Use your legal education to engage in public service.
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