Welcome Class of 2027 and LLM Students to the BLS Library
Consult our 1L guide for tailored resources and information to help you succeed in your first year.
Need Help?
Library FAQs
Search our Frequently Asked Questions for help.
Book a Study Room
Use our reservation system to book a study room in the Library.
Remote Access
Instructions on how to use the proxy server to access databases from off-campus.
How to use the library's printers.
Research Guides
Guides written by our reference librarians to help you conduct legal research.
Library Staff
Information and contact details for librarians and departments.
Library Policies
See the library’s access policies, use, and circulation policies.
Enjoy open access to scholarship produced by the law school and other collections.
Library Blog
Read the latest blog articles from the Brooklyn Law School library.
Library Learn It!
Watch Library Learn It! videos to learn about library resources in five minutes or less.